Custom Copper Sink Satisfied Customer
Custom Copper Sink Satisfied Customer: This was an amazing project that we were so happy to be a part of. A custom double drain board copper sink with farm front and back splash. Jim work closely with the home owner to make sure every detail was correct working well with the design our client had in mind along with the function that is always needed. From the response I believed he nailed it.
This is his first response:
Good morning Pam and Jim, Awesome, is the best way to describe the sink! When I opened the crate it took my breath away. It’s rare these days to buy something and get more than you were expecting. Jim’s attention to detail is incredible, he is a true craftsman that takes real pride in his work and it shows. This sink will be a conversation starter for years to come. Thank you for everything. I will send some pics at the end of the project. Klaus
And his second:
Hey Jim and Pam, They just installed the counters yesterday so I thought I’d send you a pic. Everyone loves this sink. I’ll send a better photo once the faucet is installed and the kitchen is complete. Klaus

Custom Copper Sink Satisfied Customer
Can’t wait to get the final photo’s: